The innocuous vegetable oil with adding taste as a primary function has turned into a medicinal product after it is used in controlling constipation. This vegetable oil has proved to be the best natural laxative in countering constipation. Though it is used as a vegetable oil and used to wade off skin irritants, it has found fame aiding as a medicinal supplement in combating constipation.
Castor oil may have its advantages, but it does have its disadvantages too. There are a number of side effects that are associated with castor oil too. There are many other home remedies that aid in constipation too. Apart from castor oil and mineral oil, there are fruits that relieve constipation too. There is honey that counters constipation too. The fruits as a whole or their juices act as a strong counter to constipation. There are grapes that you can take, which aids as a medicinal fruit against constipation. There are oranges and of course, there is the bael fruit. Papayas too are good relievers of constipation too. There are guavas too, which help counter the problem. They should be taken with seeds though. Talking about food, there should be a word about water too. When the dehydration creeps in the body constipation peeps in. Keep your body hydrated with acceptable quantity of water and that should act as a supplement to various foods that relieve constipation.
Castor oil should be externally used. That is the most effective it can be used and effected results out of. The castor oil should be rubbed along the body where it is uncomfortable the most and a soothing massage should follow. Once that done there should be some relief immediately as castor oil is known to act fast and that is exactly why it is preferred the most. Make sure you use hot oil pack of castor. This has proven to more effective than the usual ones. A good hot pack of castor oil is sure to give you expected results.
Not many in the medical practitioners think too much about constipation. It is not something they would really lose their sleep on. The reason for this is every medical practitioner is pretty sure that this condition can be totally eradicated if the patients are a little more careful with their diet and lifestyle habits. There is no need for a medical practitioner at all in countering constipation really. All you have to do is keep a track of what you eat and what time you eat.
The only problem with the constipation is that it affects your psyche and make you feel weak emotionally too. The uneasy feeling is so intense that you feel it is not under your control to change the course. The energy seems to sap when it comes to trying to relieve the problem. Sometimes we expect our body to take care of itself. Castor oil or not constipation can be controlled effectively by following a healthy lifestyle.
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